澳门赌场在线娱乐 is committed to instructing and operating in an ethical, honest and lawful manner and expects its employees to conduct their activities in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, University policies and procedures and ethical 标准(“标准”). When University employees witness or suspect violations of laws, regulations, policies, procedures and/or standards are expected to report the issue 尽快. Those who make such good faith reports are commonly referred 被称为“告密者”.”

University employees are prohibited from interfering with good faith reporting in 任何方式. The University also prohibits any form of retaliation against whistleblowers, including but not limited to threats, verbal or physical abuse, harassment or any adverse employment, academic or educational consequence. 这种防止报复的保护 does not prohibit managers from taking legitimate disciplinary or performance related action for reasons which are unrelated to the whistleblower report.


Conduct which constitutes a violation of Standards is a deliberate act or failure to act with the intention of obtaining an unauthorized benefit which can include, 但不限于:


  • 伪造资料
  • 欺诈
  • Improper disclosure of financial information
  • Improper giving or receiving of gifts
  • 盗窃或挪用公款而
  • Waste, abuse or misuse of University resources


  • 欺诈
  • Misuse of assets, players or endorsements
  • 药物滥用


  • 利益冲突
  • 歧视
  • 骚扰
  • 裙带关系
  • 时间滥用
  • 不安全的工作环境
  • 暴力


  • 数据隐私/完整性
  • Malicious/inappropriate use of technology
  • 滥用资源
  • Software piracy/intellectual property infringement


  • 利益冲突
  • 数据隐私
  • 研究 grant misconduct or misappropriation of costs


  • 保密
  • 数据隐私
  • 环境及安全事宜
  • 公共安全


University employees are obligated to report any activity that appears to violate laws, regulations, policies and procedures. Employees should make a report or address any questions or concerns related to potential violations of laws, regulations, policies and/or procedures to their immediate supervisor, department director or 人力资源. The University recognizes that circumstances related to alleged violations may cause employees to feel uncomfortable making a report in person and has established a confidential reporting mechanism to address this issue (see 保密报告机制).

Reports should contain the name(s) and title(s) of the employee(s) against whom the allegation(s) is being made and a specific description of the alleged violation, including dates, times, and any other relevant information which substantiates the allegation(s). In addition, the employee making a report should note how they came to know this information, such as from first-hand observation, a report they received from another person or 人等.


Whistleblower reports will be handled with sensitivity and discretion, and will be treated confidentially to the extent allowed by the circumstances and the law. 通常情况下, the University will only share information related to the report on a need to know basis for the purpose of conducting a thorough and effective investigation.


The University is committed to investigating all whistleblower reports in accordance with procedures outlined in the applicable University policies. 如果报告显示 a potential violation of the law, the University will consult with legal counsel and 相关执法人员. All investigations will be handled on a case by 情况的基础上. The University reserves the right to take disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment based on the outcome of the investigation.


False or baseless allegations are those which the reporter knows to be false, or which are made without any reasonable basis or with reckless disregard for their truth or 虚伪. Employees making such allegations may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

有效的: 12/27/2012
综述了: 5/2023